• What is Quantum Energy Healing?

A Quantum energy and hydration session will focus on restoring balance with your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Via a process that utilizes a unique form of muscle testing and magnets to alter the frequency of identified toxicities, we encourage the flow of energy to eliminate toxins through the body’s purging systems.

  • Why is it ‘all about water’?

    The primary source of our energy is the movement of living water within the human body. Energy flows throughout the body similar to rivers - these are referred to as the Nadis - and any time we ingest a toxin, these rivers become stagnant. Stagnation will lead to inflammation, and in some cases, disease. Maintaining cellular hydration, removing toxicity, and ingesting clean, living water, is foundational to our health - and allows us to thrive on every level.

  • Do I need to be in-person for this to be effective?

    No! Energy fields can be tapped into remotely, and without a phone call or zoom. The process is the same, regardless of in-person or virtual. After the session, I will provide an email recap as to what was identified and cleared from the body.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    Because we are all bioindividual, unique beings, this will largely depend on your existing circumstances and goals. Most people experience a shift after the first session, and subsequent clearings can occur on an as-needed or regular (monthly, semi-monthly) basis, based on preference.

  • What can you clear from the body?

    Oh, so very much! Here is a complete list.

  • What type of coaching do you offer?

    As a certified holistic health coach, I offer 1:1 sessions either independently or alongside a quantum healing session. I leverage my intuitive gifts to tap into your energy and work with you to make lasting changes in all areas of your health - mind, body, and soul.